PowerNotes is Perfect for any Curriculum

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PowerNotes for taking and organizing notes

If you want help keeping your notes for a class organized, try PowerNotes. PowerNotes is a platform that helps you save, organize, and track all your digital content, whether it’s in the professor’s syllabus or something you found using Google. You can create your own organizational structure for in-class notes and pull in content from syllabus attachments, links, and anything else you find online.

With PowerNotes, you won’t need to do anymore copying and pasting, toggling between tabs, and tracking down forgotten sources. PowerNotes reduces busy work, allowing you to focus on studying, writing quality commentary, and drafting. It also automatically saves citation information and URLs to reduce the chances of plagiarism.

New features include the ability to save images and


Students have used PowerNotes to create their own outlines to study for exams or put together papers by:

  • Using the browser extension to save important passages from their syllabus, links and attachments provided by the professor, stuff they find on Google, and their in-class notes (just turn it into a PDF).

  • Creating Freeform notes to save non-digital information like print content, lecture notes, and your own questions and comments.

  • Accessing the Project Outline to reorganize and review all the information you have gathered from sources. If you are writing a paper, you can use the Project Outline’s user interface to efficiently turn your notes into a writing outline.

  • Utilizing the download feature to export all of your information to a doc or a spreadsheet.

This way you can keep all your study materials organized in one place, and do it efficiently, so you can have more time to study for your exams or write your paper.

You can install the PowerNotes browser extension here.

You can get help, view video tutorials, and learn more about PowerNotes on our blog.


Professors can copy and add this simple message to their syllabus to help their students with note taking:


If you want help keeping your research or notes for this class organized, try PowerNotes. PowerNotes is a platform that helps you save, organize, and track all your digital content, whether it’s research on the web or in a library database. PowerNotes was designed for research and writing, but is also great for general note-taking. Check out this post to learn how to use it for taking notes: https://www.blog.powernotes.com/note-taking

You can install the PowerNotes browser extension here: https://powernotes.com/.

You can get help, view video tutorials, and learn more about PowerNotes on their blog: https://www.blog.powernotes.com/help.

PowerNotes Across the Curriculum

PowerNotes for First Year Writing Programs and English Departments

PowerNotes for Undergraduate Libraries

PowerNotes for Law School and Legal Use

PowerNotes - Perfect for Any Research or Source Based Writing

PowerNotes improves both research and source-based writing and digital note taking via a unified, digital workflow platform. PowerNotes improves students’ writing quality with tools that provide an efficient and continuous workflow through the entire digital research and writing process, as well as improving reading comprehension, retention, and organization of digital/onscreen materials.

PowerNotes provides your students with a single platform that:

  • Enhances screen reading and research capture – increase comprehension and retention of digital and onscreen materials via enabled digital note-taking and effective source gathering, while preventing plagiarism

  • Facilitates organization – provides efficient outlining tools to put students in the best position to write

  • Streamlines Feedback – gives course faculty, writing instructors, librarians and others visibility into their students’ comprehension, research, and writing processes

Here are some video links on PowerNotes for your review:

A quick overview video of PowerNotes.

For First Year Writing Programs, English Departments, and Undergraduate Library Use:

PowerNotes: Your Personal Research Assistant

Full PowerNotes Webinar forInstructors and Administrators (Undergraduate)

For Law Schools and Legal Writing/Research Use:

PowerNotes Research: Your Personal Legal Research Assistant

Law Schools! PowerNotes is the preferred research partner of HeinOnline

Several campuses nationally are currently using PowerNotes to power their research/source-based writing and digital note-taking including Boston College, Boston University, Florida State, Cornell University, New York University, Northern Illinois University, Northwestern University, Temple University, University of Arkansas, University of Cincinnati, University of Colorado, University of Illinois, University of Memphis, University of Missouri, University of Nevada (Las Vegas), University of Oklahoma, University of Tennessee, University of Wisconsin, and more.

PowerNotes serves all students, faculty, staff and administrators in any of their digital research or source gathering (whether writing a paper or not) in that it can help them copy, capture, archive and organize any research and sources within PowerNotes. We have seen many different roles use the PowerNotes solution for different types of research and information gathering within our current institutional partners.

PowerNotes - Great for Any Online or Web-Based Learning Environment

PowerNotes is also a strong resource as a digital note taking resource for any onscreen and/or digital reading. PowerNotes enhances screen reading and research capture thus increasing comprehension and retention of digital and onscreen materials via enabled digital note-taking and effective source gathering, enabling any learner to gather and create their own personal learning assets within any course or research project.

PowerNotes serves all students, faculty, staff and administrators in any of their digital research or source gathering (whether writing a paper or not) in that it can help them copy, capture, archive and organize any research and sources within PowerNotes. Many different roles use the PowerNotes solution for different types of research and information gathering within our current institutional, professional, and organizational partners.

Are you interested in:

· enabling your students to read, gather and annotate your digital learning content with minimal distractions?

· enabling your students to take notes on class content combining your LMS, linked and attached digital content?

· encouraging your students to find, add and organize materials for self-remediation, mastery or advancement using outside content from any digital sources?

· empowering your student to build their own personalized study guides within a flexible framework?

· determining if students are pulling key concepts from your texts?

· identifying areas where students need help and seek outside learning resources?

· understanding how students are engaging with your curriculum?

PowerNotes enables all of this and more.

Click Below to Learn More About How PowerNotes Can improve Your Students' Outcomes

AAE Sales Presentation 2018 (Improving Student Outcomes)

PowerNotes Provides Strong Learning Data for Institutions and Organizations

In addition to its assistance for students, faculty, staff and administrators, PowerNotes can also gather strong data that we can share with our institutional, professional and organizational partners in regards to what resources, databases, and other sources students, faculty, staff and others are using within their learning and research. PowerNotes captures this data within the process of its use. This may be helpful for our partners in understanding which:

  • resources currently owned by you are most used within your students, faculty, staff and other research, learning and writing;

  • resources you may want to investigate for possible acquisition based on students, faculty, and staff using them outside of your institution or organization;

  • where in their course work or research students are are taking notes; and if they feel they need additional learning resources in addition to their own notes;

  • where and what resources outside of their coursework students are using to capture these additional notes, research, or resources to aid in their learning.

For more information, please Contact Us.